This is the page of Robert Clausecker. Send mail to
fuz@fuz.su. Have a look at my curriculum vitæ if you want to hire me.
I am also available for contract work.
Areas of Interest
- SIMD algorithms engineering
- focus on discrete and combinatorial problems
- any architecture, with focus on AArch64 and x86_64
- SAT solvers
- performance engineering and program optimisation
- heuristic search for combinatorial optimisation and planning
- UNIX systems programming
- special focus on FreeBSD
- engineering for portability
- software development on/for vintage/legacy computers, systems, and peripherals
- assembly programming (any architecture)
- array oriented programming (APL, J)
Personal Projects
- dobutsu – tablebase and engine for Dōbutsu Shōgi (releases)
- 24puzzle – a program to solve the 24 puzzle
- sais-x86 – suffix array construction using the SA-IS algorithm in x86 assembly
- 8bc – B compiler for the PDP-8
- pospop – assembly-optimised positional population count routines for Go
- palanqin – ARM Cortex-M0 emulator for DOS
- memf – a family of
C functions to marshal binary file formats and protocols
- fdup – file
duplicate detection utility (currently broken, do not use!)
- various bindings for the Go programming
Projects I Contribute to
- Haskell – eine etwas andere
Sprache (German, Ubucon 2012, Berlin)
- Die Programmiersprache Go (German,
LinuxTag 2013, Berlin)
- Heartbleed – Was war da
eigentlich los? (German, BeLUG,
- Kernighan & Ritchie: Eine dramaturgische Lesung (German, BeLUG, 2015)
- Mein Umstieg auf FreeBSD (German, CLT 2016, Chemnitz)
- Maschinenprogrammierung auf x86-Linux für Anfänger (German, CLT 2018, Chemnitz)
- Better PDB Heuristics for Sliding Tile Puzzles (English, International Workshop on Pattern Databases and Large-Scale Search, Berlin, 2018)
- Datenträgerverwaltung unter FreeBSD (German, CLT 2019, Chemnitz)
- Building a B compiler for the PDP-8 (German, VCFB, 2019, recorded)
- Die Mikroarchitektur moderner Prozessoren: ein Crashkurs (German, Reconnect to Chaos, 2022, recorded)
- Die Mikroarchitektur moderner Prozessoren: ein Crashkurs (German, CLT 2023, Chemnitz)
- Softwarepaketierung unter FreeBSD (German, CLT 2024, Chemnitz)
- Textverarbeitung mit SIMD-Techniken (German, EH21, Regensburg, recorded)
Objektorientierte Programmierung 3.1 – Programmierung in C (spring 2024, FU Berlin, German)